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Our 2018 Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th October in the Cobblers’ Suite at the Boot & Shoe Inn, Scotforth at 7.30pm.


All CLOUD members are invited and encouraged to attend.  In accordance with the CLOUD constitution, the agenda for the meeting will be :


  1. To receive a report from the Chairperson on CLOUD’s activities over the last year.

  2. To receive a report from the Treasurer on CLOUD’s finances.

  3. To elect a new Management Committee for the year October 2018 to October 2019.

  4. To consider any other matters as may be decided.


Regarding Agenda Item 3, the Management Committee comprises : Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary plus up to 6 other members.  All these posts are for election by CLOUD members at this AGM. Any CLOUD member wishing to stand for any of these posts should submit their name to the Secretary email Subject : Nominations


Nominations should be supported by a proposer and seconder, both of whom should also be CLOUD members.  This should preferably be in advance of the AGM, although nominations can also be presented at the meeting.  

The CLOUD constitution, minutes of meetings etc are all available on our website at :


Present members of the CLOUD Management Committee are :

Chairperson : Steve Constantine

Secretary : Rosie Morgan

Treasurer : Tony Breakell

Members : Mary Breakell (IT, Web and Communications)

Deborah Otway (Scotforth representative)

Mark Salisbury (Burrow representative)

Phil Ternouth

Sally Salisbury

Jet Harris


In addition, an Expert Working Group was appointed at the 2017 AGM.  Its members are Phil Ternouth, Peter Quick and Tony Blendall. We will be recommending that the 2018 AGM reappoints this group which has provided valuable advice throughout the last year and worked closely with the Management Committee.   If any other CLOUD members have direct and recent experience of planning inquiries and are able to offer advice and guidance, they would be welcome as Expert Group members.


After the AGM we will provide an update on our campaign, concentrating on the preparations for the Planning Inquiry expected in January 2019.


Anyone supporting CLOUD’s aim is also welcome to attend this meeting and join our campaign. CLOUD’s aim is “to stop the proposed development of Bailrigg garden village and, where we judge it is appropriate, to help other local action groups objecting to other unnecessary developments, as set out in the current Lancaster city council Local Plan.”

Membership forms will be available at the meeting or you can join any time online at :


If you’re coming to the meeting, why not arrive a little early and enjoy a drink or even a meal in the Boot & Shoe before moving round to the Cobblers Suite for our meeting.  We will ensure the meeting finishes well before closing time so there will also be time for a post meeting reflective drink! 

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