CLOUD General Meeting, 8 March 2022 held on Zoom
Agenda :
The agenda for the meeting is :
To invite CLOUD members to support a close working relationship between CLOUD and the new SLICE organisation in order to most effectively challenge and oppose the development of Bailrigg Garden Village and its supporting infrastructure.
Any Other Business.
Background to Agenda Item 1
This motion is proposed by the CLOUD Management Committee. Newsbrief No 90 reported that SLICE was going to hold its inaugural AGM on 9th February and offered a Zoom link for CLOUD members wishing to attend this meeting. SLICE is now up and running and two CLOUD Management Committee are members of its Steering Group and with some CLOUD members involved in Working Groups. Information about SLICE is available on the SLICE website SLICE – Sustainable Lancaster in Climate Emergency. The SLICE constitution states its aims as being :
The aims of SLICE shall be to campaign for all major new developments (especially in South
Lancaster) to:
(i) Be sustainable and compatible with Climate & Ecological Emergency commitments;
(ii) Be on as small a scale as possible to respond only to clearly identified and soundly
evidenced local housing and employment needs, including for affordable and social housing;
(iii) Wherever possible utilise brownfield sites in preference to greenfield and refurbish existing
buildings in preference to newbuild.
(iv) Not place an unreasonable financial burden and risk on the people of the Lancaster District;
(v) Not be designed around car-dependence and the financing of infrastructure for cars, i.e.
instead prioritising walking, cycling and public transport, without significant new road building
(other than small access roads) or excessive land use for private car parking.
The CLOUD Management Committee has explained to SLICE that CLOUD will remain in existence as a separate organisation, operating under its own constitution. That said, the Management Committee is convinced that close collaboration with SLICE will provide real benefits by bringing fresh and additional expertise to the campaign. It acts as an umbrella organisation for other groups concerned by the financial and environmental implications of the Housing Infrastructure Fund agreement made in 2021.
Any Other Business