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Getting Involved, Membership and donations: What and how?

Our campaign and how you can help - get involved!


The Galgate residents group has already met on several occasions, most recently on 6th June 2017, when residents from Scotforth and some city councillors also attended.  At this meeting we decided to adopt a new name for our campaign against Bailrigg Garden Village - CLOUD which stands for Citizens of Lancaster Opposing Unnecessary Development.


The next steps in our campaign are :


Grow the number of CLOUD supporters - the more supporters we have, the greater our influence will be.

Find as much information as we can (for example on the flooding risk and forecasts of housing demand) to support our objections to the garden village.


Raise awareness amongst city councillors of our objections to Bailrigg garden village 


Raise awareness of the South Lancaster Area Action Plan and associated Housing Infrastructure Fund Bid


Raise funds to finance our activities, such as the production of newsbriefs and much more.


Raise awareness across Lancaster as Bailrigg garden village has implications for all across the Lancaster City Council Area.


How to get involved: 


You can join our Facebook group - show your support and hear about forthcoming meetings and actions


Follow us on Twitter @cloudbgv2017 


Join CLOUD and strengthen our campaign against Bailrigg garden village and other unnecessary developments in the Lancaster city council area or sign up for an e-Newsbrief.


 Complete the form below saying you would like to join and giving us your name, address and email contact details.  The CLOUD constitution and information about our campaign is available. Follow the link.  There is no membership fee as such, although we do seek voluntary donations from members to meet the costs of our campaign.

You can also use this form to raise questions with us.














Data Protection : CLOUD holds name, address and email contact information for the purpose of communicating with members.  CLOUD does not share this information with or pass it on to other organisations.  If any member wishes to inspect the data which CLOUD holds on them or to request the deletion of this data, they may do so by applying to the CLOUD Treasurer


Making a donation:

You can call in with cash, mail a cheque (payable to CLOUD) or make a bank transfer.

Bank Cumberland Building Society

26-28 Cheapside



Account Name CLOUD

Account No 54234823

Sort Code 16-52-21


If you’re not on email or Facebook we will be sending out paper flyers periodically.   


We welcome support from all Lancaster residents.  Just by joining CLOUD you add weight to the campaign against Bailrigg garden village.  If you can assist in other ways, that’s even better.  We are looking for people to help with :

  • Fund raising and crowd funding

  • Expertise in local planning matters

  • Note takers for meetings

  • Leaflet distribution

  • Participating in meetings with Lancaster city planners to develop the local plan.

  • Speakers for the public hearings in 2018.

Please let us know if you’d like to help with any of these activities.




Timetable for the Planning Process


  • December 2017  Lancaster City Council debated the draft Local Plan and voted to approve it for publication

  • 9 February - 6 April 2018 Public Consultation on Local Plan

  • 2018 A Planning Inspector will be appointed by the government to consider the local plan and objections to it.  This will provide us with an important opportunity to present our objections to the garden village.  

  • 2019 - Final decision on the local plan, including Bailrigg garden village.


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