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Highways England Letter February 2019- January 2020


This set of Highways England highlight concerns regarding the transport assumptions underlying the Local Plan and proposed development North of Bailrigg Lane

Quotation from February 2019 letter:


Highways England was expecting the Local Plan to be supported by a comprehensive
and transparent cumulative transport assessment, to be undertaken before the
Examination in Public (EiP).


The letter and the technical appendix goes on to point to significant shortcomings in the Transport Assessment linked to the Local provided these include modelling and mitigation schemes. They conclude:


We do not consider that the TA provides a robust transport evidence base, and have concernsover the validity of the conclusions, along with the scope and suitability of the identified mitigation affecting the SRN.


These concerns are repeated and reinforced in subsequent letters in May 2019, September 2019 and January 2020.


The letters are all below in PDF form. If you are using a mobile phone you may find it easier to click on the links to each letter.





Highways England

August 2019

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