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Planning Meeting to consider Chapel Lane Development, 12 November 2018, Lancaster Town Hall



1 Lancaster City Council’s Planning and Highways Regulatory Committee is meeting at 10.30am on Monday 12th November at Lancaster Town Hall.They are considering a number of planning applications.  These include the application to build 32 dwellings on Chapel Lane adjacent to St John’s church - this is item 7 on the agenda which you can view at this link.


2. Here you will find full details about the application, including responses from statutory bodies, such as the lead flood authority, and a summary of objections submitted.  The reference number for this application is : 18/00335/FUL.


3. If you refer to planning committee papers, you’ll see that the planning officers’ recommendation is to refuse this application.  While this is clearly good news, the recommendation is not whole-hearted.  The conclusion (para 9 p.35) describes the decision as “finely balanced” and largely the result of “incursion into open countryside”.  Other factors such as increased traffic on Chapel Lane are not mentioned and this para concludes “Regrettably it is recommended to members that the scheme is refused”.It is vital, therefore, that as many people as possible attend the meeting and those who feel able speak.


4. When this application was submitted, CLOUD submitted a detailed objection and, in addition, some 42 local residents wrote to object.  No residents supported the application.


5. To press our objections and ensure the planning committee members are fully aware of them, we now need as many objectors as possible to speak at the meeting.  The deadline for registering to speak is 12 noon on Thursday 8th November.  Full details on how to register and the rules on speaking are set out in issued by the council’s Democratic Services.  The rules allow a maximum of 3 minutes per speaker and this is strictly enforced.  Only 1 speaker per address/household/group is allowed. CLOUD will be represented but there is no reason why other residents cannot raise their individual concerns.  In addition members of the public are allowed to attend the committee meeting and a strong turnout here would also be valuable


6. If you are a local resident please make every effort to speak at the planning committee or at least attend the meeting.  You can still speak even if you didn’t submit an objection when the planning application was first made. 

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