Planning Application Planning Meeting, Lancaster Town Hall, 10.30 am 9 May 2018
Ward Field Farm, Galgate is on the Lancaster City Council Planning Agenda for outline planning permission, with recommendation for approval from all officers apart from air quality. Cloud is listed as an objector along with 90 other objections, including the Parish Council. For those who don't live in Galgate, Ward Field Farm is on the A6 - the first farm on the left heading north out of the village. For agenda and details of the application see :
There are grave concerns especially regarding the implications of flooding and air quality and Steve Constantine, CLOUD Chair, will speak in opposition. Members of the public are able to attend as observers and we would encourage you to do so if you are able if you are if you are a Galgate resident.. If you do decide to go you have to obtain a visitor badge from Customer Services on the day of the meeting, so please bare this in mind so that you have adequate time to get to the meeting.