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21 March 2020 Newsbrief 66 Coronavirus Pandemic

Mary Breakell


The coronavirus pandemic has obviously driven all other issues such as CLOUD and the Local Plan out of consideration.  In line with government advice we will not be arranging any CLOUD general meetings for the duration of the crisis. We will conduct what business we need to do by email in order to minimise social contact.  If and when there is anything major to report, for example in connection with the Inspector’s report on the Local Plan, we will issue Newsbriefs.

We are continuing to monitor the council website for any relevant developments, but, as of the date of this newsbrief, there is nothing new to report.

In the meantime all we can do is to wish all CLOUD supporters well and trust that you manage to avoid catching the virus.  As you may already be aware, volunteers have organised support groups in Galgate and in Lancaster for those facing particular difficulties during the pandemic.  In addition Lancaster city council has set up a page on its website offering advice and information and appealing for ideas and offers of help.


If you need assistance or are able to provide help, here are some links and phone numbers. If you know of any neighbours not using the internet do pass the crucial phone numbers on especially for people self isolating or unable to get out and needing shopping and medical supplies or other advice and support

Galgate Corona Helpline 01524 751125

Lancaster Corona Virus Response Helpline 07473932641 - text this number.

For those of you using Facebook Galgate Flood and Emergency Group is providing excellent information.

If you want to Volunteer to help this link takes you to Lancaster District Volunteer Centre 

Phone Lancaster District Volunteer Centre 01524 555900 or email Mark Waddington 

With best wishes

CLOUD Management Committee

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