Ward Field Farm - CLOUD objection
Lancaster Guardian article on flooding
Gladmans application - land NE of Bailrigg Lane
Ward Field Farm
The CLOUD objection to the Ward Field Farm housing application has now been submitted to the City Planners. Here’s the link to it so you can see the points we have made against this proposal 📷 It’s still not too late to send in your own objection if you haven’t done so already - but remember that the deadline is Tuesday 3rd December! There are already 11 objections from local residents listed on the Council’s planning website and we know there are others have been submitted (including ours) which are not yet on the Planning website -The more objections we submit the stronger our case. As we’ve mentioned in previous Newsbriefs, your objection doesn’t have to lengthy and can be sent in a number of ways - using the Council website on-line facility (although at least one CLOUD member has experienced considerable difficulty with this), or by email to , or by post to :
Postal Address: PO Box 4 | Town Hall | Dalton Square | Lancaster | LA1 1QR.
Lancaster Guardian article on flooding
This week’s Guardian (Tuesday 28th November - see page 7) contains a powerful article ‘New homes flooding fears’. This was written jointly by Galgate Flood Action Group, South Lancaster Flood Action Group, Churchtown Flood Action Group and CLOUD. The full document, from which the article has been compiled, is available on the on-line Lancaster Guardian and contains additional information for which there wasn’t space in the printed newspaper - here’s the link 📷 CLOUD believes that this sort of collaboration is vital if we are to make a strong and convincing case to our elected Councillors and the city planners. We wait to see if our article elicits a response from them!
Gladmans’ Application - land NE of Bailrigg Lane
The deadline for submitting objections to this application (Council planning ref : 19/01135/OUT) remains Friday 13th December as we reported in Newsbrief 60, so there’s time to submit your objection of you haven’t already done so. We are concerned at the sheer volume of material submitted by the developer in support of this application. We appreciate that this is, at least in part, what is required under planning rules, but to try and read and understand all this information would be a daunting task. However you don’t have to plough through it all to submit an objection. As we’ve said in previous Newsbriefs, please do object, use your own words and keep it short - you may find the points we set out in Newsbrief 59 helpful (you can refer back to this on the CLOUD website 📷 We now understand from the city planners that this application is unlikely to be considered by the Planning Committee before their March 2020 meeting, so this application is going to be with us for some time!