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9 April 2020 Newsbrief 67

Mary Breakell

Dear CLOUD members,

We appreciate that Coronavirus and the impact of the government’s stay-at-home ruling is dominating everyone’s life at this very difficult time.  Our thoughts and sympathy go particularly to any CLOUD members who are suffering with Covid-19, or whose family and friends are affected by it.

While Local Plan issues are no-one’s top concern at the moment, we thought that we ought to bring to your attention a recent announcement from the city council on progress with the Plan.  This announcement is on the council’s planning website and reproduced here. Essentially the message is that (1) the Planning Inspector’s report has still not been received and (2) the council intends to review the Plan to take account of the Climate Emergency declaration.

We have no more information than is contained in the council announcement and this is obviously not the time to be raising questions or issues about it given how everyone is having to concentrate on coronavirus. However, as and when we receive more news, we’ll pass it on.

With best wishes,

CLOUD Management Committee

Announcement on the Council Website

The Local Plan and COVID-19

In light of the ongoing situation in relation to COVID-19, officers are working from home, however progress continues on the production of the Local Plan and other advice documents that will support the implementation of the plan following its adoption.  

The council is not yet in receipt of the inspector’s report, however subject to the plan being found sound, it is presently anticipated that adoption of the Local Plan can still take place in May 2020, although this timetable remains subject to change.  For further information on the Local Plan examination process, see the Local Plan examination pages.

Following the declaration of a climate emergency by Lancaster City Council in January 2019, it is anticipated that Local Plan will enter an immediate review to ensure that policies are given further consideration in relation to climate change.   

Whilst the submitted Local Plan does seek to address climate change, it was too far advanced in the statutory plan making process to incorporate some of the actions set out when the climate emergency was declared and therefore the council will commence an immediate review, purely focused upon addressing the impacts of climate change, which can take into account new relevant information and changes in national guidance and practice.

These website pages will be updated when additional information is available.

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