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9 March 2020 Newsbrief 65

Mary Breakell

Gladman’s Planning Application : Land NE of Bailrigg Lane 19/01135/OUT

In Newsbrief No 64 we provided an update on Gladman’s planning application for 680 houses on the greenfield site NE of Bailrigg Lane. Since then the CLOUD management committee has prepared an explanatory analysis of the objections to this application as submitted both by Lancaster council policy officers and also by Highways England.  We have placed this analysis on the CLOUD website and you can access it by this link : CLOUD SUMMARIES

We now want to encourage as many CLOUD members as possible to submit objections to the Gladman’s application, drawing on the material in the above link, but using your own words and concentrating on the issues which particularly concern you.   We suggest you keep your comments short and pithy - no need to write a massive tome! Please send your objection to your local city councillor and to the councillors on the city planning committee. You may also wish to contact the council leader. We suspect that not all councillors may be aware of the Highways England letters of objection, which date back to February 2019. While these letters are on the local plan website so is an awful lot of other correspondence and it would be easy for councillors, particularly those elected for the first time at the 2019 local elections, to overlook them. This would be a real pity!  We have provided a list of the relevant councillors on the CLOUD website and here’s the link to it : South Lancaster City Councillors Here is a link to the Planning Committee (scroll down for membership)

Don’t worry that the council’s planning website states that the deadline for submitting objections has passed - we have been assured that all objections received before the planning committee meeting will be taken into account.  Our previous advice was that the earliest planning committee meeting for this application was 30 March - we now understand that it is unlikely to reach the committee before May.

Remember you can send by email or by post if the Planning Webpage is too challenging, as it can be from both phones and tablets You may find it easier to submit comments by email to with copied in, or by post to

Postal Address:  PO Box 4 | Town Hall | Dalton Square | Lancaster | LA1 1QR

Local Plan and Climate Emergency

We have received an interesting pointer on the city council’s intentions over the local plan.  We still don’t know the Planning Inspector’s verdict on the plan, but we have now seen a letter from Jason Syers (Director for Economic Growth & Regeneration, Lancaster City Council) indicating that the Council (1) is working on the assumption that the Inspector will approve the plan and (2) will embark on a review of the plan once it has been formally adopted and that this review will concentrate on climate emergency issues.

This seems an encouraging development.  More news as we receive it!

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