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Update on Wain Homes Appeal for 108 houses on Highland Brow Galgate

Mary Breakell

Image is an Adobe stock image showing what could happen. This is not a Galgate photo.

Newsbrief 109 27 February 2024

Update on Appeal  23/00027/REF | 108 dwellings Highland Brow Wain Homes

23 January 2023 

In November 2023 we alerted you to the appeal by Wain Homes on the refusal of Outline Planning permission to build 108 dwellings on Highland Brow, on land adjacent to Meadow Park. In October 2022 Planning permission for 115 houses on this land had been turned down by the Lancaster Planning and Regulatory Committee on grounds of flood risk, traffic congestion, contravention of the area of separation, impact on school and health provision, damage to wildlife habitats and visual impact.

This appeal was rescheduled and is now due to take place as follows:

The Inspector appointed to conduct the inquiry is Katie McDonald MSc MRTPI. 

The Appeal starts 10:00 on 27 February 2024 and will take place on the following days 

 28, 29 Feb and 1 and 5 March. A reserve day is programmed for 6 March, which may be necessary.

Each day it will adjourn by 17:00. It is scheduled for 5 days.

 The venue for the inquiry is Committee Rooms 1 and 2, Morecambe Town Hall, Marine Road, Morecambe, Lancashire LA4 5AF

 The Council’s advocate is Killian Garvey, Counsel, and the appellant’s advocate is Vincent Fraser, King’s Counsel.

Members of public can attend and a letter dated 11 January 2024 states that you can ask the Planning Inspector for permission to give your views. 

If you are interested in raising your concerns it is suggested you attend the start of the inquiry on 27 February  and inform the Inspector then that you wish to speak.  The Inspector will then make arrangements for you to speak. 

If you don’t want to speak but want to give support to those who are you would be most welcome

All papers for this appeal are held at 23/0007/REF at access

Go first to ‘related documents’ and then to ‘view associated documents’.

Best wishes

Mary and Tony Breakell

(On behalf of the CLOUD Team)



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