Gladmans’ Planning Application for land between Bailrigg Village and Hala
Wainhomes’ Appeal Against Refusal of Planning Permission at Meadow Park Galgate
Gladmans’ Planning Application for land between Bailrigg Village and Hala
We have just heard that the Gladmans planning application will NOT be considered at the November 2023 Planning Committee meeting. This means that the earliest date is now 4th December, but there is no guarantee it will be heard then - we have lost count of the number of times this application has been deferred since it was first submitted in 2019! The application has changed little over the years - although it’s interesting to note that originally the site was within the Bailrigg garden village boundary before this was redrawn (and the garden village is now presumably in some sort of state of limbo pending revision of the Local Plan). For members not familiar with this application, it is for up to 644 houses houses on the fields between Bailrigg Lane and the existing houses on the west side of Bentham Road in Hala. To see the full application, the planning reference on the CIty Council website is 19/01137/FUL.
We now need to follow up the flyer which CLOUD recently delivered to the residents most directly affected in Hala. From our previous experience with similar planning applications, our most effective approach will be to have a number of residents, each speaking on an individual basis, and raising objections to a different aspect of the application. This is not as daunting a task as it might appear ar first sight, but it does need to be planned and coordinated in advance.
We need a volunteer to act as coordinator, as well as a small number of local residents prepared to address the Planning Committee - 3 minutes speaking maximum. We invite CLOUD members in the area to please step forward and fill these roles - with of course assistance from the Management Committee. This is the same approach as we adopted over the Chapelside development and it worked well then - we presented a strong case against the development,although the Planning Committee decided nonetheless to approve the application. Here is a link to the original CLOUD objection to the Gladmans’ application - it clearly needs updating and additional points added but it provides a starting point.
If you’re able to help in any way please email CLOUD at cloudbgv2017@gmail.com
and we’ll take it from there - please don’t delay or hesitate to step forward!!
WainHomes’ Appeal Against Refusal of Planning Permission at Meadow Park Galgate
See on Lancaster City Council website Planning Appeals 22/01494/OUT - for details click on Related Documents and then View Associated Documents
This is a really urgent and unfortunately also a complicated issue. We need to take action today if at all possible if we are to have any chance of registerings objections at the forthcoming Planning Inspector hearings into the Wainhomes appeal.
Galgate residents living close to the Meadow Park site were recently sent a letter (dated 3rd October but not received by some residents until 19/20th) by the City Planners advising them that the public inquiry into the Wainhomes appeal would take place in Morecambe town hall from 15th to 17th and 21st to 23rd November. The letter stated “If you would like to, you can attend the inquiry. You can also ask the Planning Inspector to allow you to give your views”. We sought advice yesterday (1st November) from the Planners as to how we should go about submitting views to the Planning Inspector and whether there was a deadline for this - the letter was silent on these important points.
The verbal answer we received is that the Planners think the deadline may have passed (!), but they suggested trying to get something to the Inspector as a matter of real urgency. The email contact for the Planning Inspector is : rebecca.luxton@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
It will have to be residents who have been sent the 3rd October letter who contact the Planning Inspector. We encourage any and all CLOUD members in this position to do so TODAY if at all possible. We suggest a short email in your own words and on these lines:
I recently received a letter from the Lancaster City Planning Department informing me of the forthcoming public inquiry into the Wainhomes appeal against refusal of planning permission for housing at Meadow Park, Galgate. The letter stated “If you would like to, you can attend the inquiry. You can also ask the Planning Inspector to allow you to give your views”. There was no presenting my views nor any indication as to whether there was a deadline for this.
I am contacting you now as I do wish to make representations and particularly on the various Statements of Common Ground which have been lodged in recent weeks.
Would you please advise as to how I can take this matter forward?
As to the substantive issues to be raised with the Inspector, these centre around the Statements of Common Ground which have prepared recently and particularly the Highways statement, which seems to make light of the access issues, especially on Salford Road. We can address specific points here if and when we’re told that we are still within time to submit objections.